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Strange Alliances is the second scenario of Act II: Ice in Age of Empires III. It involves a British attack on Stuart Black's base - and the introduction of Warwick, the Act's villain.

The Level

You start off with a few soldiers and the two heroes, Kanyenke and John Black, and the task of destroying a couple of enemy buildings. Send your forces south, and let your heroes take the brunt of the damage - they'll regenerate, your soldiers won't. The war huts will spawn a few soldiers when they've taken enough damage, so pay attention and target the units.

When the war huts are down, John Black will be asked to meet with the enemy leader. It is actually an ambush, and the signal for the British army to move in and destroy the colony.

Shortly after the British army attacks, a Covered Wagon will start moving south, and a few buildings to the south-west will come under your control. Build up a large army, preferably with plenty of Skirmishers to face the British Musketeers, and some Artillery to take care of buildings. Remember to set up some defences, too; they'll come looking for you soon enough.

As you move in towards the enemy base, you'll get the Optional Objective of freeing a couple Settlers held by the British (Treasures with neutral Outlaw Musketeers as Treasure Guardians). It's not too difficult, but the Settlers probably aren't worth it if you aren't trying to meet all objectives or chasing Experience.

When the base is down, John Black will discover that the British took his uncle with them.


  • Kanyenke mentions the cannons the Cherokee used in the previous level, even on Easy difficulty, in which the cannons are not present.
Campaigns in Age of Empires III
3Icon48px Age of Empires III
TutorialMaster the Basics · Try a Game
Act I: BloodBreakout · Into the Caves · Pirates! · The Ottoman Fort · Temples of the Aztec · A Pirate's Help · Spanish Treasure Fleet · The Fountain of Youth?
Act II: IceDefend the Colony · Strange Alliances · The Rescue · The Seven Years' War · The Great Lakes · Respect · Warwick's Stronghold · Bring Down the Mountain
Act III: SteelRace for the Rails · Hold the Fort · The Boneguard's Lair · The Lost Spanish Gold · Bolivar's Revolt · Journey Through the Andes · Last City of the Inca · Last Stand of the Boneguard
3WCIcon48px The WarChiefs
Act I: FireWar Dance (War Ceremony· The Rescue · Breed's Hill · Crossing the Delaware · Saratoga · Valley Forge · The Battle of Morristown · The Battle of Yorktown
Act II: ShadowThe Bozeman Trail · Red Cloud's War (A Reckoning· Claims · Ambushed! (Urgent News· Turning Point (To Stop a War· Trust · Battle of the Little Bighorn (Battle of the Greasy Grass)
3ADIcon48px The Asian Dynasties
Act I: JapanThe Siege of Osaka · Uprising! · Clearing the Road · Last Stand at Fushimi · The Battle of Sekigahara
Act II: ChinaTo Finish a Fleet · Storming the Beaches · Lost Ships · A Rescue in the Wilderness · No Empire Lasts Forever
Act III: IndiaInto the Punjab · Fires of Calcutta · Resist! · Raid in Delhi · Company Confrontation
Age3DE Icon Definitive Edition
Historical BattlesAlgiers · Christopher da Gama's Expedition · Chuvash Cape · Raid on the Caribbean · Fort Duquesne · Battle of New Orleans · The Burning of USS Philadelphia · Grito de Dolores · Battle of Queenston Heights
The Art of WarEarly Economy · Treasures · Home City Shipments · Booming · Build Orders · Early Defense · Early Offense · Land Battle · Naval Battle · Artillery
Event scenariosBombard Brawl
Age3DE Icon The African Royals
Historical BattlesThe Battle of the Three Kings · Fall of the Hausa · The Era of the Princes
Names in brackets are the scenario's name in the Definitive Edition.